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Everything posted by IgorS

  1. I did not think Proof coin could become non Proof, but only impaired Proof.
  2. I agree with Steve and BKB - second type is rarer and I like the first type more
  3. For a great coin there hardly ever can be a bargain, especially in an open auction visible by all. I do not understand why it shows "owner accepts offers" on this one, since I know for sure that it is not the case. Must be some kind of Heritage gimmick.
  4. So poltina sold for $11,500. I followed the link for 25 kop - the new owner accepting offers. Interesting.
  5. I recently came across a nice example. Almost as struck. I just need to take a good picture of it.
  6. It was offered in a few auctions in Russia, but never sold. You can find a discussion on SM forum.
  7. 10 and 4 kopeks are in two very different categories. 10 kopeks is obtainable, but 4 is a different story.
  8. Did you mean 10 of 4 kopeks of 1762? Which Peter's Moscow rouble is your dream?
  9. Look in this group, but pick the correct eagle: http://www.m-dv.ru/catalog/id,3390/prohod.html
  10. First time I see it in copper as well. These usually described as follows: Медаль в честь князя М.Б.Барклая де Толли. Пруссия, Берлин, 1815 г. Медальерная мастерская Д.Лооса (лиц. ст. — внизу под венком: LOOS). Серебро, 9,21 г. Диаметр 28,8 мм. Сохранность отличная, зеркальное поле, красивая патина. СРМ# V.53. Иверсен# XXI.2 (т.1, с.23). Холодковский# XXVIII. Ашик, с. 282.# 2. Редкая. And yes, I was also thinking of poltina looking at your copper kopeck.
  11. Here it is. You can see that the portrait is much more refined than on the aluminum one.
  12. I had one in silver. Looks like I am out of space for uploads. Can someone remind me how to free up space? Thanks,.
  13. Silver and Nickel jetons are rated R. Copper one is R1. I have all of Rudenko's books. Luckily they were presents from the author. Otherwise I would probably have only one. The fourth book is on Nurenberg counting tokens. I think you are correct about public's sentiment.
  14. The ones you call "official looking" are official. I hardly ever see them in copper. Was it hard to find? According to Rudenko's book reference, the copper ones were not struck for the ceremony, but to satisfy the demand from public (more silver ones too)
  15. Car is much more modest. Those were the days of Y2K and we, computer geeks, made a few bucks that could be spent on coins.
  16. In the early days of Ebay I bought this coin for $4k. I do not have it any more. Replaced it with a car a while back
  17. This is not the first time I hear of it, but do not remember where I read about it. Briefly looked at Spassky and Zander, but did not find the info...
  18. A long time ago I also wanted efimok on a taler with early date. At the time I managed to get one with 1558 (Spassky 424). After that I forgot about my endeavor. But I do remember statistics presented by Spassky - the group of talers with early dates used for known efimoks is quite small.
  19. BKB, you managed to take a decent photo. Congrats!
  20. Good video. Many technological steps are the same as back in the day.
  21. Many cheaper, but nice and some pretty rare copper coins did not sell at all...
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