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Guess I am in the Doghouse


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Purchased on eBay. I came home today with a note to read my email, she sent me an email, and I am in the doghouse for buying such a nice coin, when she didn't know she could spend an equivalent amount.


She spies on me. :ninja: I just hope she doesn't throw it at me when I get it, this thing weighs in nearly 3ozs.

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Nice coin!


Ya know. Sleeping on the couch isn't too bad. It is kind of like camping out and, in my house, that's where the big TV is anyway. ;)


Agreed! I sleep all around my house, the couch being one of them. Tonight I am going to the kids room (their bunk bed is big and more comfy then ours! :ninja: ) and will cuddle next to my daughter. I like to surprise them occasionally and they find it funny waking up next to their daddy.


Hey D, I hope your dog is not the snooring type. ;)

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Hey D, I hope your dog is not the snooring type. :ninja:



He snores and passes gas, so he usually sleeps in the kids room. We have cats in our room, so dog stays out, he does not like one of our cats in particular.


I just hope she doesn't throw it at me when it comes. I have several coins that could double as weapons, the biggest are the Swedish plate dalers.

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