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Morgan Dollar- Question


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I am completely useless involving the world of coin-collecting, etc. but have done some research and have found out what I could. The problem is that the charts for pricing that most websites give are extremely confusing.

I have a Morgan dollar in decent condition with no mint mark- I'm aware that this means it was minted in Philadelphia. It is dated in 1878 and I believe it was one of the earliest made because the eagle on the reverse side is flat-breasted (later in 1878 it was changed to "round-breasted") and has 8 tailfeathers rather than 7.

Could anyone give me a rough estimate on how much this coin would be worth?


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It is dated in 1878 and I believe it was one of the earliest made because the eagle on the reverse side is flat-breasted (later in 1878 it was changed to "round-breasted") and has 8 tailfeathers rather than 7.


You can take notice of these things and you say that you are completely useless to the world of coin collecting? :ninja:

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Someone who was selling a flat-breasted and 8-tailfeathered dollar online mentioned it, but I couldn't be sure whether the pricing on theirs was correct and wanted to find out for myself. Thanks everyone. I read that information on one page that I stumbled into by chance, so I still am pretty clueless about all this!

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