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Cash Cow


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So I just returned last night from a trip to Forth Worth, Texas where I visited some family. I had a great time of course, which was enhanced by my visit to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. I was very excited to go and was amazed at all the stacks and stacks and stacks ( on and on ad infinitum) that were there. I got to see the new fives in the production process, but no finished ones yet. They were working on the new 100's too, but they would not let us see them. The tour was very nice and the guards I talked to said that they had their busy season in the summer and during the school breaks. At those times they get as many as 4,000 visitors in a day! The day I went was on a Monday and they expected about 200. My tour group was with only 20 people, so I guess I hit it on a good day. I didn't get any souvenirs, and they do not allow photography, so I can't post any pictures, but if you ever get the chance to go, I highly recommend it - plus, it's free and there are no reservations required. They said that they allow as many people to tour as they can.


But, as I was touring other aspects of the metro area, I happened upon some strange cattle in a town called South Park, Texas. This was a genuine 'Cash Cow' and I thought that you might like to see what one actually looks like. As much as I hate my photo taken, my lovely wife demanded I stand there with it :ninja: There's no arguing in certain situations, and this was one of them.



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I am angry and I want to make a quick complain to BEP. I don't see any Singapore currency note distinctively represented on the cash cow ? Singapore does enjoy good relationship with USA..... :ninja:


Ah, but it is not the BEP, my good friend. It was a private artist who made this cow - see this: Link To Cash Cow for more information... It is the last one, so scroll all the way down. placing the curson on teh image will show the other side of the cow. There are quite a number of notes and coins on this cow, and there might be a representation on one of the legs.


And yes, the most certainly do buy our F-16's. I remember when I was on Active Duty at Luke AFB in the late 1980's we trained some pilots and the maintenance crews to work on them. I worked quite close with a fellow Nondestructive Inspector from Singapore who was also named Dave. He and the rest of the people from Singapore were very nice and professional people. That was Operation Peace Carvin, if I remember right - good times working with them!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't see any Singapore currency note distinctively represented on the cash cow ?

Ah well, maybe you can find some cash from Singapore on this cow in Texas. :ninja:


That one in Houston is part of a global cow art project; here (Auckland) and here (London) are some other money related ones.


But to have a cash cow right in front of a money factory is even more appealing. Thanks, Dave!



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