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Everything posted by Dave

  1. This banknote sure is a beauty, isn't it? The notes from this era are all nice and becoming quite scarce.
  2. Well, I've been gone for most of July, but now that I'm back home I can start buying more banknotes again. My first aquisition in more than a month is this Belgium 100 Francs / 20 Belgas note. I have a copy of this in a larger version without the red coloring on the sides. The artist of this note was fairly famous in his time - Emile Vloors (1871-1959).
  3. Well, as for what I collect, I guess I currently take the "type set" approach and don't worry too much about the letter/branch codes. I might in the future, but that would greatly increase the cost. So for now I don't worry too much about signatures, prefixes, serial numbers, country codes, etc. unless I can get it without too much overhead. I recently bought a repeater and some low serial numbered notes that were offered with no premium, except one that was a two digit note that was only 0.45 cents more. As for bidding on other notes of forum members, I'm sure it happens! But there are several who offer their notes/coins in the advertising forum first or offer a link to their auction/sales. I have traded and bought from standing members here with great results, and have always been given a better deal than I could have got elsewhere. Once you've made the time and posting requirements, you can take advantage of the advertising forum. Notes don't come up too often, though, but every once in a while something crops up that fits into your collection. - Dave
  4. Ooh-La-La! Such a collection of lovely banknotes! Thanks for sharing your nice website full of French Printed Banknotes! I have enjoyed viewing them and am certain that I will reference your site many times, as there are several there that I am trying to get myself. Oh, and welcome to the forums, too!
  5. Well, you certainly have a great set of notes in this last bunch. Couple I've not seen before, like the Ghana one with the books on the kid's head. You certainly know how to do things right! BTW, I also really like that Bulgarian note - for some reason it seems that that series is a bit scarce.
  6. Nice set of stars! That's pretty cool that you can buy them from your store like that! But that Hungarian note is actually featuring a long - haired King Matyas I think. As far as the P.I. notes, there are a number of folks here who could help there are several collectors who specialize in Philippine notes - I think if you posted a request there'd surely be one of them to respond. Several more of us could always help with our general knowledge and catalogs at hand.
  7. Mwah ha-ha-ha-haaaa! Another African collector! Well, you should be able to maintain your 'Pretty Girls' theme quite easily with African banknotes. There are quite a few with some good looking women on them, so if you get 'em, post 'em!
  8. Alright - the African Hiatus is over. I won't post the newer Tanzanian notes (they're on Banknotebank though) but I gotta share the new Djibouti and Madagascar notes. I've been looking for the Madagascar note in UNC for less than too much $$$ - Only took a few years - sheesh!
  9. Wow! There's been a lot of good notes posted lately. Good job everyone! Wish I could have the luck that some of you seem to have! But who am I to complain. My meager prizes aren't much, but they are kinda' neat to me. First is a CSA 5 dollar note. I can't believe how much these have been appreciating. Then a Netherlands Indies Note. these are harder and harder to find. And lastly a Mexican note issued by Pancho Villa. Not too exciting of a design, but of historical note... banknote, that is.
  10. Ha! You know, I came thisclose to posting that it reminded me of some South American notes! - - but I didn't want to sound stupid ... But I did a quick catalogue check and I noticed that there is even one that was issued to Ecuador in 1911 (P s157) that was used on a Cuban note I have from 1896 (P - 48). Then I got to thinking how cool it'd be to have a collection of allegorical ladies by type - Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Mother Country, etc. It'd play havoc with my current method of collecting (like grasping at banknotes in a money filled chamber with a fan turned on), but I might have to consider it a bit more. hehe - now I'm thinking of grasping at coins in a chamber with a super-powerful fan ... Ow!
  11. Saw this lovely note and had to have it! I was thinking the allegorical figure was Industry, then Transportation, and then with the war helmet and sword, I thought it could be Mother Russia, but no - According to the catalog, she's Commerce.
  12. Dang, Everyone's got nice notes to show off here lately! Ok, S-M. I'll put my African notes on short hiatus... but I gotta' post something - - So here's a nice Kyrgyzstan 500 Som banknote.
  13. I gotta' tell ya' - I love this design. It's very pleasing overall, but there's something about the heads at top that it surreal to me and reminds me of a time in my distant past: My sisters teased me with those styrofoam heads used to display wigs. I had one sister that wore many types of wigs in the 1960's and early 1970's and my sisters would tease me by placing the heads in staggered formation or just one in the hall and say: "David! The heads are comming! They're gonna' get us - run!" ... ... of course being about 4/5 years old, it would freak me out. Siblings - gotta' love 'em!
  14. There are also two other notes 'pending'. These are evidently on hold until such time as they are needed to be placed into circulation. I have seen the 200 Bolívares Fuerte with a portrait of Gran Mariscal Antonio J. de Sucre the 500 Bolívares Fuerte, with a portrait of Rafael María Baralt. Here's a link to a view of them in specimen form.... the 500 is marked 000! link
  15. This note is far from the grades I prefer to collect in, but I am finding it increasingly harder to find certain notes, and the prices for the African ones are steadily going up and up. I finally decided to bite the bullet and plunge into a few of the more expensive African notes, but the ones I wanted I haven't seen in these many months. I have almost given up on some of them - but I found this and snatched it up... it'll have to do until I can find it in better grades and better prices.
  16. Just got these in from Africa. I've been getting a few notes here and there with serial numbers that stand out a little more. While I am not a person to collect based on the serial number, I will admit that the ones I've been getting are fun to see, like my Italian repeater note. There's nothing special in this batch, but there are more zeroes in a row on the Mali note's serial number than I have ever had before.
  17. Nice group of notes there Scottishmoney! I always enjoy seeing your 'ladies' notes.
  18. That's a cool note. It seems odd to me that they'd have such a low denomination in a foreign exchange certificate. But then, they likely make money on all those people don't bother to use.
  19. NICE acquisition Scottishmoney! Great portrait and vignette on that note.
  20. Happy to have these new additions!
  21. Things to consider: Collection value and (because, as I believe, they're still current) Exchange value. According to the online exchange rates from oanda.com, the 100 Hong Kong Dollars banknote is worth 12.85 US Dollars and the 1,000 Hong Kong Dollars banknote is worth 128.54 US Dollars in this days exchange rates. The latest catalog is different. Mind you, this should only get you into the 'ballpark' for a value - you should check places like Ebay to see what they are selling for as well. The new 13th edition catalog give a price of the 100 Dollar banknote (Listed as P293) as 25.00 US Dollars in Uncirculated condition, and for the 1000 Hong Kong banknote (Listed as P211) 215.00 US Dollars in Uncirculated condition. So remember to check Ebay: The 100 dollar one currently has a 'buy it now' price of 29.94 while the 1000 dollar one has no offer for this note at this time. Were it really only that easy to buy things at face value and sell them on ebay for over twice as much!
  22. When I toured the BEP in Ft. Worth last October, they had one of the partially printed ones on display. The tour guide mentioned that the big five was introduced as an aid to the visually impaired, and that subsequent testing showed that the purple 5 was easier seen than the green five on the last issues. Still weird, but about time. It's like we're the last family on the block to get color TV!
  23. Got this today. I really like the design, and the weirdness of the big purple 5 seems to wear off after a short while. What're your thoughts on this new design?
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