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Emperor Oli

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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. I can see them ok. I'm using Firefox, but I don't know whether that should make any difference. I've got the Bill & Claim of Rights folder too.
  2. Cromwellian, even if I don't like the subject matter.
  3. Frankly, I'm bored of the Gothic series and how everyone goes on about how they are the most beautiful British coin. I voted the Pengo because the reverse is far better.
  4. The city view for me. The hair is too messy on the Thaler.
  5. Looks like a wine coaster.
  6. In England, there's the King's Shilling Tankards. A Shilling is spun into the glass bottom of the tankard. In the days when recruits to the Royal Navy were paid a signing-on bounty of one shilling, press gangs of unscrupulous recruiting officers tricked men into committing themselves to service by passing the coin to them in a tankard of ale. By drinking the ale, the victim was then deemed to have struck a bargain by having accepted the King's Shilling. To protect innocent men from being bamboozled into joining the King's Navy, in the 18th century they invented a glass-bottomed tankard so that a man could spot the hidden danger as soon as he raised it to his lips.
  7. I love old stock certificates - scripophily. Admittedly, I know nothing about them, but I know what I like! I've got a certificate of the De Beers Consolidated Diamond Mines on my wall, which looks rather snazzy, plus it's got loads of history behind it. I bought a rather nice gold plated caviar palette a while ago somewhere in Harrogate. It dated from the mid-19th century so it's not very old, but it's a wonderful shape and design. It looks a bit like the Petrossian model below. I just need some Sevruga now!
  8. OMG you got them all in fivers!? I NEVER get fivers out of cashpoints. You should count yourself lucky
  9. Bank of England notes are the only banknotes that are legal tender in England and Wales. United Kingdom coinage is legal tender, but there is a limit to the amount you can exchange (about 10p in pennies, 20p in 2ps etc). Scottish and Northern Ireland banknotes, and Jersey, Guernsey, Manx and Gibraltar coinage and banknotes are not legal tender in England and Wales. However, they are not illegal under English law and creditors and traders may accept them if they so choose.
  10. I'll post them here if anyone wants to see them.
  11. I used Paintshop Pro 9. Everything is on different layers so it's all interchangeable with denomination etc. Could you PM me your email if the files are alright?
  12. They were whipped up in a few minutes. I'd like to replace my entry for design 3 with one involving flags. If this is unacceptable, I'll defer to BiggAndyy. I guess McDoo has the final say on this. I'd rather offload whatever design on someone else, as I'm rather busy at the moment.
  13. The map got me thinking. Since we have such a diverse membership (different nationalities), wouldn't it be good to replace Shrek with the flags of different countries. So we could have the stars and stripes as the highest denomination, then whatever the next biggest nationality is as the next one etc etc. I'll get working on that.
  14. Seems a new can of worms has been opened. I just used Shrek for illustrative purposes: anything could go there. If there's even a hint of a copyright dispute, I wouldn't be comfortable putting my name to it. The one below is the "base" note to which whatever can be added - a logo, coin, map, whatever. Edit: Seems the outline is still there. One moment.... Edit 2: Ok, here we are
  15. I don't like that Indian incuse design, so the Liberty it was for me.
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