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Everything posted by squirrel

  1. I wonder if the gender of the various eagle designs has been researched. It is well known that among birds of prey, including the (single headed) Eagle, the female is typically larger than the male of the species. Perhaps the same characteristic is true for our Imperial 2 headed friend. If so, how to tell?
  2. Thank you for the mint id! The overstruck coins are most interesting to me, but good to see my little group is diverse as to mint!
  3. Could you point out the distinction? Is it the feather pattern?
  4. Thanks, Sigi! I am mostly practicing with my camera, and trying new ways to post photos here, without the upload size limit. I have not shown the other duplicate 2k Elizabeth i have, but i thought a group photo would be a good start. I am also having fun digging thru coins i have not looked at in years. There is no way to make ugly copper pretty, but a good photo helps! Maybe next i will do a 1k, polushka, and denga momogram type group photo?
  5. I would like to show my small collection of 2K copper, from the Elizabeth years..
  6. I am embarrased, Eugene, that i did not connect this thread with your previous sharing of your work in the 2016 article.. re reading, i had even posted my compliments there! I have now looked at your other works that you have translated to English, thank you! And discovered your website! Sadly, Russian for me is limited besides what i have gleaned from numismatics, to a single college semester, covering very basic topics, including proper cursive writing, and a limited vocabulary and conjugations. To tell you how long ago the class was, the instructor was an older lady whom came to the US from Moscow, and was very excited to tell the class about a gentleman named Yeltsin, and some political changes happening back home! In those days, I struggled through my copy of Uzdenikov in Russian. When the English/Russian version was published I bought one of the first available! (From Basok?) So i know time is precious, and goes by quickly, so if not an in depth translation perhaps a brief synopsis in English someday. The distinction of eagle variants is most interesting! Regards. Josh
  7. I am having a hard time seeing differences in the eagles. I have not seen Eugene's guide, is it online? I assume the scroll types are from this guide?
  8. Apologies for the high grade of ugliness on that second 1759MM.. its my duplicate ugly.
  9. Certainly spectacular! I too am jealous. Closest i think for me is 1759 and 1760 MM and ugly!
  10. Wow, never have seen that. I assumed jewelry. I have always avoided holed coins as a rule, but this was still attractive to me, and a bargain find!
  11. Somebody carried this around on a string..but still mostly intact old silver. Recent addition to my collection of Peter the Great tiny silver.
  12. I am contented that i own a fine example of a genuine cipher series 1796 10 kopeck. The catch is, Its cleverly disguised as a common 1793 EM 5 kopeck. 😂
  13. Very clear! On your last image, at 12 oclock, above the 1791 eagle heads and crown, you can see the 10 from the previous 10K cipher undercoin, which is overstruck on the now hugely flatted crowns and wingtips of the previous 5K coin. It would be really fun if anyone could spot any traces of Peters 1762 10K!
  14. Cheers Sigi! Doing well here. I check in frequently, despite not actively hunting these days. My boy will be 10 next month! I havent had a spare dollar to buy anything, for oh, about 9 years. I do enjoy all the great topics, as they come up here. And a perpetual eye open for interesting overstrikes!
  15. Wonderful coins all! What a great topic, and thank you all for showing. lost Diamond, your double (triple?) Overstruck 1791EM is treasure hunt for hidden detail.
  16. Later eagle. Wings down type. Hard to see, but it's there. Really worn out. Was jewelry of some kind, from the solder spot at 12 o'clock
  17. This brings back memories of a nice trip to DC to visit my brother. I discovered the exhibit by chance, in November 2003, as the museum was closing for the day. I had to rush the photos, (leaving early the next morning) . My first digital camera was a Canon G1, and light was poor at the exhibit, and obviously a flash would not work thru the glass. handheld with out a tripod explains the poor focus of those pics. Times sure have changed, and the typical phone has a camera 10 times sharper, even in low light. I looked at my archive, and found one that didnt make those photos in your link.. Thank you for sharing all those great images of coins "in the wild"!!
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