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What is up with the ANA???


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I got my new issue of Coin World today, and read the front page article about the governor that was removed for I guess having shared some confidential information with a member, but there were no details. Then I read two rather concerning editorials on the ANA, including a somewhat scathing editorial by Beth Deisher on the shenanigans at the ANA Board over the last few years, and it was not a pretty picture. There was also an op ed by Anthony Tumonis critical of the ANA basically renting out their name for the Las Vegas show. Many of you know I am somewhat skeptical of the ANA, but these developments are not good for the one organization established to represent collectors and promote our shared hobby. All the secrets and politics can't be a positive for the organization or collectors. So what is up with the ANA???

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I don't know anything other than what I have read but that editorial By Beth Deisher was scathing to say the least, in my opinion. And there is also a lawsuit a going on too against some former employees by the ANA (and the Director, I believe).

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