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1955D-1DO-001 Lincoln cent With good pictures

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Guest coinartist
This one is listed on coppercoins as a 1955D-1DO-001








My opinion on this coin is Machine doubling ,and Die deterioration doubling


The date indicates that there are flat like images shelf like, and if you notice on the one and the other digits there's doubling on both sides of the digits a true doubled die does not have those features which is ddd also




Ny opinion

coolcoinz Jim coinartist

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It's also listed as CONECA: 1-O-III and Crawford: CDDO-001 I don't think any of them have it wrong.



Let me explain it to those unfamiliar with class 3 doubling;

The CONECA 1-0-III is listed as Class III, Design Hub Doubling. There are nine basic classes of doubled dies.

Design hub doubling occurs when at least two different master dies are used to make a working hub. Each having differences in the design features. Then for some reason, one of each working hub is used to make the working die. The difference in design will create the doubling on the working die. The doubling is on the 19 of the date and the center fold of the vest spread East. The eye should be spread strongly to the West.

It has an overall Rarity of URS-6 (Number Known 17-32) and has a Moderate Interest Level. The 1997 reference guide lists your piece at $25 in MS63 condition.

I hope this helps you. Thanks for looking

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