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Posts posted by frank

  1. Rudolphi has Duvivier as one word upon the obverse, omits the dot after Fac, and has Med. Kluyskens has Duviv., and Med. Duisburg has Du Viv. They all describe the D. V. upon the reverse as at the feet of the seated figure, whereas it is far distant, at the extreme right.


    Excellent. Always a thrill when it seems you might have something rare and unusual.

    As for Dr. Bourru, you probably know that his name means "uncivilized" or "ornery" in French... :blol:

  2. 1685AngersmaireCharlotobv.jpg




    Ian --your jetons are amazing. This one is a bit more scruffy, but it shows the old Hotel de Ville, which was replaced in the 18th century.


    1685 IAC.CHARLOT.ESCer.Sr.DES.LOGES.MAIRE ses armes; à l’exergue 1685 /

    CVLTV.SIC.HOSPITE.CLARA “illustre pour son élégance comme pour son

    hôte” vue de l’Hôtel de Ville d’Angers

    [à partir de Jacques Charlot, le maire fut obligé d’habiter l’Hôtel de Ville]

    cuivre, G 1440 F 8463 C 1189

  3. Great jeton Ian. Angers is where I spent my sophomore year abroad, so I have collected a few old jetons of the city. I'll post them as soon as I photo them.


    (St Maurice's cathedral--the spires on your jeton--has Gregorian chant on Sunday mornings, to go with its old stained glass. Enough to make even a marginal Catholic like myself attend mass!)

  4. 1564jetonChasIXmementoquifuitobv.jpg



    1564 jeton of Charles IX, Chambre des Comptes. I hope you all like the little bit of verdigris in an awkward place on the Janus figure on the obverse...


    [later edit: I seem to have missed the previous 3 posts or so, um, sorry... I'll go look for a 1560 now...]

  5. Awesome coins Constanius.


    I confess to loving holey coins. It's as though the hole makes the coin more relaxed and familiar, more historical and less precious. I have a number of holed Peace dollars and a few other common-date holed 19th century crowns (French and British) that sometimes I like to carry around in my pocket. None is worth more than $15-$20 or so. I sometimes scope FleaBay for a cheap holey Seated Dollar. Haven't found just what I want yet.

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