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Posts posted by frank

  1. The shield represents the defense of Burgundy against the various armies running around France during the Fronde (nobles' revolt during the regency of the young Louis XIV). The orientation of the design --with the shield on the bottom, with arrows raining from the heavens-- is as presented on the cgb.fr site, but you could always convince someone that the motto around the edge has no clear start and finish, that the intended orientation isn't clear, and that the UFO should really be up in the air, with the poor French peasants shooting arrows at it. :ninja:

  2. jetonRespondetIntimaQuantoobv.jpg



    I've had this jeton for a few years and haven't been able to identify its probable date or country of origin. It looks rather like some German 18th-century jetons I've seen, same style and make, but I haven't had any luck searching German sites for clues.


    The obverse shows scales, both in their case and out, along with ... what? a heater? a smoker? on the right side. The other side shows what's probably a dove flying over a landscape with an olive branch, unless it's a halcyon, the bird whose presence traditionally calms the waves. What do you think?

  3. A real handful today, literally. It astonishes me that people can use the machine and walk away when there is a pile of coins in the reject bin. It does help that the bin is low and not lit and black-lined....


    --19 cents in Lincolns, no wheaties, several encrusted with something I hesitate to examine

    --20 cents in shiny new Roosevelt dimes--why were they rejected?

    --three Los Angeles bus fare tokens

    --four misc tokens: car wash, Normandie Arcade, Chuck-E Cheese (God I hate that place) and NO CASH VALUE

    --a 1999 British penny (my second in the past 2 months)


    and, best of all,


    --a 1950 West German 50 pfennig piece.

  4. Found today in the Coinstar reject bin: A bright 1994 British penny. I was sure it was Canadian at first (this is Southern California) and spent some time staring at the reverse design --please enlighten me; is the iron grill gate from the Tower?-- before I realized that Canada doesn't, um, have any " p " coins.


    And I thought I did the bin check very smoothly --the machine is near the entrance of the supermarket, and I just sort of looked as natural as I could and scooped it as I walked by. My conscience is clean.

  5. 1763jetonCollegeLouisleGrandobv.jpg



    1763 French jeton: Collège Louis le Grand (which still exists)

    COLLEGII FUNDATORES AUGUSTI Bustes accolés de Louis XIV et de Louis XV / MAIOR. E. CONFLUVIO UBERTAS - COLL. LUD. MAG. ACAD. EX. MUNIFICENTIA. LUDOVICI. DILECTISSIMI. M. D. CC. LXIII Un dieu fleuve tenant une corne d'abondance assis au milieu de sources sortant de rochers

    signed: Roettiers Fils. Cuivre rouge, F 4449

  6. Actually, Louis XV does look kind of funny in these portraits (besides looking like Richard Lewis). He looks a little puffy around the mouth... I wonder if he wore wooden dentures like Geo Washington, whose formal oil portraits by Stuart usually show the denture bulges...

  7. My local place here in Southern CA is run by a terrific guy who knows everything, pays fair, takes the time to explain things, and runs a great bid board. It's a great place to hang around. The owner clearly relishes dealing with smaller-money collectors and will sit with them quite a long time going over their Jeffersons and seeing what they might upgrade. There are some extremely high-spenders who come in, too, and they are treated like everyone else. This guy knows that what makes it worthwhile is not the money; it's the coins themselves.


    BTW, it's pretty much a guy place, and maybe an older guy place at that, although women and younger people do come in and are welcome. Soundtrack: 50's and 60's folk music.

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