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I fear I will get sucked right back in....


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For many years I collected coins and bills as a kid, never been more than a hoarder. I remember how stupidly i cleaned some of my earliest coins because I didn't know any better (with an abrassive of all things) but later on I stopped doing that and just kept on hoarding coins.


A few weeks ago, after years and years of having forgotten my collection locked in a safe, it hit me that I could sell some of the gold coins a family member had given me as a gift, and hell even the whole collection. but as I paged through the books and looked through the coins...well...an old sort of bug came back and bit me, and now I am not so sure I can sell the whole thing.


What I am sure of is that I will still sell some of those gold coins, mostly to pay for some of my other hobbies (I seem to hoard hobbies as well) and pay off some minor debts, but I think I might de-hoard my collection and bring a bit of order into it. Who knows, if they are worth anything at all I might even fund a bit of this old hobbie, although in a more ordered and meaningful fashion.


Having been mostly a hoarder, I am honestly pretty new to the whole grading thing, and having been lurking here a bit I seem to be learning a bit, but not enough to really have any idea whatsoever what some of these are. I was thinking of putting a couple of them on Ebay and see how that went, but I wouldn't mind having a general idea as to their value. I know there is a grading challenge forum, but because I don't really -know- the grade, didn't want to commit a possible forum faux pas and do something you guys look down upon. Would you guys be able to take a look at a couple of scans of the coins and if so, would that subforum be the right spot?


Thanks! (and hello)

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I used to hoard pre-decimal British coins but eventually settled with English Hammered of all things! :ninja: I've never regretted it, so good luck with what you decide to collect!


The Coin Grading Challenge subforum, http://www.coinpeople.com/index.php?showforum=59, will be perfect to have your gold coins graded and for you to have some fun along the way.


Good luck, have fun and remember to ask any questions that you may have,


Oh, and a warm welcome to the forum! ;)


Kindest Regards,


Clive - England.

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