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Captured by Louis XV


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At the Lansing Coin Club show this Sunday, I stopped at the table of Liberty Coins. They are fullpage advertisers in the MSNS MichMatist. I did not have any coins or anything I needed, but I wanted to say "hi." I looked at their ancients -- always nice -- and their array of world gold (many types of small gold for 10% to 100% over spot; nice array) and just when I was about to leave, I saw what was in front me: Something like this




They had about 20 "Reformation" ecus from Louis 14th, 15th and 16th. They recently bought a collection. These were the ones left over after the clerks in the shop bought the ones they wanted. So, I groused a bit but found one with original surfaces, and no adjustment marks or scratches. Mine is not quite as nice the illustration, being about a Very Good. Also, mine is from 1732. Mine is from the Renne mint, mark looks like a 9. (The reverses were generally better than the obverses. The collection had apparently been all kings and mints for these ecu coins.)


What grabbed me -- aside from never having seen one -- is that this coin being from 1732 is perfect to go with my Spanish Milled Dollar. Now, I can think about a Colonial Dollar set: large silver coins popular in the colonies and early republic.

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Didn't I read somewhere that you tried to stop collecting????? :ninja:


Or was it that you've stopped except for this and that when you are researching an article?


It sounds like you had a great weekend!

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