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Fake Novodel?


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The reverse is certainly different from the second link you supplied. The spiral arms of the floral H design are spaced much differently.


Do you know if these had multiple hand engraved dies that would account for such a large change in the design spacing and size?


Either way the date is what bothers me the most, it is a completely different scale compared to the second legitimate link, and there is unusual bubbling around the 4 and on the 0.


Also the accent above the one letter is different and the denticles on the ebay coin go from oval to circle, that would not be the case on a legitimate coin and is a very good sign of it's history (or lack of).


I would call the ebay coin a modern counterfeit, likely minted in Ukraine, where the seller is from.

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it is probably old link no pic do you have it i need to compare it thank you

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