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Bloomin rules!


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I was just at the bank handing over a cheque and asked the teller if she had any pound notes in her box. She look though them and had 15, two of which where Jersey ones and one of which was an old and now retired design. Unfortunately, they where unable to give me them :ninja:


It's annoying to think that they'll be going to the incinerator soon ;)


Anyone had a similar issue with rarities they couldn't get?

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I guess its simply because the note was withdrawn many years ago, they must send them to be destoriyed.


As to the Jersey ones, commercial banknotes in the UK are only to be reissued into circulation by the original issuing bank. For example, if I handed in Clydesdale banknote to Royal Bank of Scotland, it would be sent back to Clydesdale to be placed back in to circulation. Royal Bank of Scotland are not supposed to reissue Clydesdale banknotes to customers. So in this case, the Jersey banknotes will be returned all the way to Jersey for banks there to place them back into circulation.

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I guess its simply because the note was withdrawn many years ago, they must send them to be destoriyed.


As to the Jersey ones, commercial banknotes in the UK are only to be reissued into circulation by the original issuing bank. For example, if I handed in Clydesdale banknote to Royal Bank of Scotland, it would be sent back to Clydesdale to be placed back in to circulation. Royal Bank of Scotland are not supposed to reissue Clydesdale banknotes to customers. So in this case, the Jersey banknotes will be returned all the way to Jersey for banks there to place them back into circulation.


That is truly unfortunate. You could become romantically involved with one of the bank tellers, then maybe.... LOL.

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I guess its simply because the note was withdrawn many years ago, they must send them to be destoriyed.


As to the Jersey ones, commercial banknotes in the UK are only to be reissued into circulation by the original issuing bank. For example, if I handed in Clydesdale banknote to Royal Bank of Scotland, it would be sent back to Clydesdale to be placed back in to circulation. Royal Bank of Scotland are not supposed to reissue Clydesdale banknotes to customers. So in this case, the Jersey banknotes will be returned all the way to Jersey for banks there to place them back into circulation.



Actually it is more an internal rule than an external one, it would not be good for RBS to go into RBS and get RoS or CLY notes in your withdrawal, remember banknotes are a form of advert for these commercial banks. It is the main reason that RBS still circulates the £1 note, albeit that it is becoming decidedly scarcer now as the £1 coin takes over. I have heard of people coming across Linen notes even in the late 1990's though, even though Linen was absorbed by RoS in 1970.


With the NI and island notes it is a bit more difficult, they do not have the acceptance level that the Scottish banks do, in fact in Europe they actually discount those notes if you exchange them. I noticed in Paris that you actually got a bit more for Scottish banknotes than even BoE notes for some curious reason. But the NI and Jersey, Guernsey, IOM notes always get a bit of a discount.

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