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Everything posted by rsraghead

  1. I never knew that, I've just really never considered gold. Now that I know I will look into it, thanks.
  2. Welcome to the forum. There is someone who can answer most anything.
  3. OK. Thanks, that's one more type for me to look for. I just love the smalls
  4. I never knew the direction was change of monarch,thank you geordie. That answers something that I had often wondered. And now I know why so many are holed. I for one am not bothered by holes, I collect for my enjoyment and keep culls as well as nice coins. As long as it is appealing to my eyes, one makes me as happy as the other. I have multiple coins of some and steadily hunting what I don't have.
  5. I have been discussing small coins on the UK forum and was wondering other than trimes and half dimes, what other smalls do we have from north America?
  6. I'm not saying that I'm obsessed with pocket change, but my sons even empty their pockets when they visit for me to search. And since I remarried, I now have a 10 year old stepson whom I have got interested in coins that I now have to beat to the goodies. Lol!!!
  7. With all the littles being shown I am seeing all kind of directions to move my collection towards. Think I may just have to purge the big ones and increase the hunt for littles.
  8. You know I hadn't even thought about the hammered. And I must admit there is a certain beauty in them. I have considered the three half pence,but unfortunately for me have never held one.
  9. rsraghead

    help id

    The other side. I was told by my father that my grandfather had said it was from the 1400's and Spanish
  10. rsraghead

    help id

    I know nothing about this one. I hope somebody can identify it. These are the best images I have
  11. I have one like the first one, but not as nice
  12. I don't have any as early as the 1600's. Y'all are making me green with envy, but don't stop, I'm loving the chance to see what I want on my Christmas list.
  13. You are absolutely right. The six is just as lovely as the three. I envy your very beautiful 78. Is the direction of bust a different region or a different serie?
  14. I was interested in seeing how many were like myself and love the small ones. One of my favorite collections is my three pences. They are hard to view but worth the effort. Great details in almost all
  15. That's actually not a bad looking Barbara quarter far as I'm concerned. I have a couple about that nice, but none better. And yes I believe the French deserve recognition for their coin designs
  16. I also like the french sower, but there are several French coins from the late 1800's and early 1900's that have fantastic art work
  17. Since I'm new to collecting I haven't the privilege of making many mistakes yet. I do know that thanks to the knowledge from the more experienced available on the internet I hope to avoid many costly ones. Let me take the time now to thank y'all all in advance. Thanks for all the help to come!!!
  18. I like coins that have history about them. Coins from war periods or uprisings that make you think of the struggles endured that time period.
  19. That is cool. I don't collect banknotes and still like it
  20. I don't know what finish it is. I know its low relief, but the finish is gritty
  21. I honestly couldn't tell you, I'm just now getting serious about the hobby. Up until about a month ago I just pitched them in a jar. But when I have them all sorted I will let you know
  22. I have not been able to upload them. But if you would look on photo bucket, under rsraghead you can see pics. Please help me identify the finish. Thank you
  23. I wonder if his wife saw the ad? Lol
  24. I'm new to collecting and just learning, but I have kept every wheat penny I got my hands on for the last 20 years. I have over a thousand
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