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Posts posted by Rabone

  1. Morgan dollar ... basal state, shot P-01  :ninja:



    Wow, what a great piece. Excellent teaching tool. Has just enough detail remaining that you can ID it, but that is it. Great piece to have to teach young numismatists coin grading.

    "Now this example here is the baseline, you can only go up from here..."

  2. 895864.jpg

    Did you happen to purchase this coin from a fellow CP member, who snagged it off eBay? Sure looks like a coin I remember someone else posting about their proud purchase. If it isn't the same coin, you two need to get together because you have consecutive strikes.

  3. I do the same thing, only I use Excel for my template. I built it so that it will bring up to 20 2x2's at a time. I am able to leave a little room between each so I can leave the boarder line when I cut them apart. That way each insert looks the same, and the information is always in the same corner. Love consistancy. Good to see great minds think alike! :ninja:

  4. I don't understand the question.  If you're referring to selling out the 600,000 authorized strikes, yes, they will.  Marines are extremely loyal to the Corps.  But is the question is about sell-out in general?  In June 2001, the Buffalo DOllar sold out in a couple of weeks (days?).


    Regardless, I don't have any intention of purchasing any of these.




    According to what I have read, from current articles to statistical books, while each group who had a commemorative coin made in their honor thought their commemorative would sell all the authorized strikes, in actuality they did not. Many moderns went back to the melting rooms.


    Modern commemoratives have been restricted to 500,000 strikes, but Treasury Secretary is allowed to increase the total number, which John Snow did for the U.S. Marine Commem. He increased the total number from 500,000 to 600,000.

  5. The U.S. Mint is about to start taking order for the Marine Corps Commem. Will it be the first modern commem to actually sell out by selling all 600,000 authorized strikes?


    Second, if you said yes that it would sell out, do you plan on purchasing any of the 4 different types of issues on this commem? The Proof, the Uncirculated, the Uncirculated Coin/Stamp combination, and finally the American Legacy Collection which contains Proof versions of the Marine Corps commem, the Chief Justice John Marshall commem, and all 10 circulating coins.

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