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I have a few things on ebay this week, and someone just emailed me in a very arrogant tone stating I should not be selling what I am. This is the reason, I have three machine doubled coins on ebay seeing if I can get anything for them. They are clearly stated in the description as MACHINE DOUBLED, and then I have two that I feel are true doubled coins. Please have a look at these photos and give me an opinion on what is what. I can tell you for starters, the metal flow is sharp, not blurred as in machine doubled coins, and the entire coin is crisp. Please let me know, so I can either tell this guy off, or thank him for enlightening me.

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Machine doubled coins are defined as damaged coins. The doubling occurrs because of a mishap in the machinery. Unlike hub (die) doubling which can bring a premium depending on rarity. I suspect the email means to inform you of this. Machine doubling is common, while you may be able to sell the coins over face on Ebay their supply is quite large and your auction is probably misleading to some buyers.

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Yeah, I agree with him trying to inform, he just went about it in a very arrogant manner. But, like I said I think the ones I have pictured here are not Machine Doubled, and Hub doubled, the metal flow is way too crisp for a machine doubling in my opinion. Also, the ones I know for a fact are machine doubled I stated that fact on my auctions. I think this guy, who deals in varieties, is just trying to get me to remove these two to reduce his competition, from the way he talks only HE CAN FIND TRUE DOUBLED COINS, so to say. Lol.


Here is how he starts of his message:




Seems to be a little pushy for someone who never saw the coin himself.

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Considering that he doesn't know who you are, and that the subtle differnces in doubling on coins can escape many people he really should be a little more diplomatic.


Que serra, serra

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Got a reply from him, he is actually talking in a friendly manner. Maybe I jumped the gun on my own assumptions. At anyrate, things seem smoothed over. :ninja:

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If I got his email, I would reply to him, inviting him to KMA. Life's too short to suffer arrogance from strangers. Keep pursung doubled dies. There are still discoveries to make.

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