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GOETZ: K-181 Rumania Enters the War

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K-181. Bratianu Rumenäiens Kriegseitritt; (Rumania's entry into the war).

1916, Cast Bronze, 58mm VZ.


Obverse: Bratianu, Rumanian Premier, adds the Rumanian Crown to one side of a balance scale which is already loaded with the Russian bear, Tommy, Serb and others, to help the weak Entente against the German sword on the other side. Inscription: "Bratianu der Treubunder" (Bratianu the Faithful Ally).


Reverse: A balance scale with dice below. On one side is the Alliance Contract and on the other, a bag of gold. Inscription: "Rumaenien's Schaukelspiel" (Rumania's Gamble). Dated, Aug. 27. 1916.


It was generally assumed by the Austrian-German powers that Rumania’s entry into the war had been bought with gold from the Entente. The presentation on the reverse scale indicates that gold weighed heavier than the agreements. The dice also indicate the gamble with money paid off for the Entente.



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