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Esterhazy affair: the counterfeit of French 1000 francs notes type 1888/1926


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I need some extra information about the episode known as The Esterhazy affair (google usualy sends me to the esterhazy-dreyfus affair in 1896).

As far as it goes, all i know is:

- in 1925-1926, french notes of 1000 francs BLEU (type 1888-1926) were counterfeit in the Hungarian State Bank, using the official typography, with the consemt of the state officials, or at least of this Esterhazy (a common name, an important noble family bear this name, with the title of prince, as far as i know)

-they were spoted in The Netherlands and Germany

-the fakes were very good

-the Banque de France decided to change the type.


Anyone knows anything more?

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  • 3 weeks later...


I can give you several good links (2 this time, but let me know if you want more.)

They deal with the affair quite in detail. The only (BIG) problem is they are in Hungarian.

Using a (google?) translator, though, perhaps You can make use of them.





Best wishes,

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