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A Jeton in Santa Barbara

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Years ago, I collected tokens of Santa Barbara, California. My small collection became the foundation of the Santa Barbara Coin Club's collection. The club is coming up on its 50th anniversary, but I learned its aging membership is running out of steam and its 50th birthday may be its last.


A few months ago, I bought a token on Ebay for $.99 and $1.50 postage. It came in its own plastic capsule that protects the beautiful, proof quality finish.




I spent some time trying to learn something about the token. Having lived in Santa Barbara years ago, I knew the building. The area had been revitalized after I left and the building refurbished and reopenned as an upscale hotel.


When my wife and decided to spend a few days in Santa Barbara relaxing, Hotel Santa Barbara came to mind as a way to learn more about the token. Alas, I forgot the token at home and I never found the opportunity to speak to the manager as I spent my time visiting with friends and never seemed to get back to the hotel during regular business hours for management staff. Our room was the left most window on the first floor above the ground floor arches.


When I made my reservation, I was asked how I heard about the hotel. I said I had a Gold Club coin. When we arrived, we found a welcome back card in the room and a box of fine candy (peach flavored hearts). When I checked out, the hotel staff handed me another gold coin for my return visit. It is in a small bag, with a piece of fine chocolate (now consumed) and a card inviting me to return the coin for $10 off each night of my next stay. Now I can return my $2.50 investment for a $10 or $20 savings depending on the legth of my next visit.




What excited me about this "gift" was its relation to my new interest in French jetons. As I understand their history, some jetons were distributed in small slik bags not unlike the small bag I was handed. What I bought for a minimum bid on a lark because I liked the design became a new addition to my growing collection of jetons

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