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Posts posted by Metalman

  1. From my waitress connection at the local truck stop, 4 AU 1982-D- 2 AU 1984-D washington quarters, 18 Peace Nickels, 26 Keelboat Nickels, and several nickels from the 50's 60's and 70's ,,15 -40's and 50's wheaties.


    several star notes.


    a good morning at coffee !!!



  2. Indians, Wheats, Buffs, Barbers, mercs, halves, Ikes, SBA's,Sac's Ive spent and given just about everything out to tellers, waitresses,kids around the neighborhood .


    Ive had folks bring coins to me that I know I put in circulation and ask me about the value and such its cool to have that happen !!


    Ive had waitresses at the truck stop who often save coins and star notes for me try to give them back to me LOL


    its fun to do this kind of thing !!



  3. metalman you just proved one of my points (re-US attitudes-thanks), and trust me, I've talked to more Americans, and travelled to more of America, than you could ever hope to (and I could prove it but I digress again). I say that not, again, to be a dick, but to just state a fact as you seem to show yourself as some crusader against the false "new world order". YOu are not the only one to "talk" to American's, see America, and be their spokesman...


    And it is not just GAO surveys, but in various media outlets.  The SAC is not a failure in that is filling its niche. If the pure goal was to "replace" the  dollar then yes it failed, but that was never the full goal and congress knew it.  Some wanted it to be, but congress never went through with dollar bill withdrawl.


    I never said the tax savings would be given back to you, per se, but if they are spent on something else, than that is good as my taxes are not raised. I am glad you finally understand where the savings come from at least, that is progress.


    But here you go with this EU nonsense, they are two seperate issues. Having a dollar coin in no way ties our money more or less to any int'l market, in fact the Dollar coin takes our money out of some int'l circulation. Several countries use our currency as legal tender, (Panama, Equador, Liberia etc).  You are again tying two things together with no proof, facts, and just weak conjecture.


    The failure of the SBA has nothing to do with the discussion at hand, other than in design and marketing lessons learned.  The FACTS I stated above still stand. You might continue to ignore them, but that just shows a weakness in your already tangential arguement.


    aethling, do not get me started on the weights and measure issue ;-)


    Ciao, and Hook 'em Horns,

    Capt-AWACS, Been there, done that, got the T-shirt



    All Right ! then suppose you educate me beyond a tax savings this has been your only arguement, I mean besides judgeing all of my weaknesses !! ,,why are the coins a better deal ?




  4. I really think a change is a bad thing and my comment on forward thinking is not a positive but a negative !!


    I dont think the design had all that much to do with the failure of the SBA and the Sac dollar.it for sure was some of the problem ,but it really goes deeper than that, People do not trust that it is not a first step toward an alliance with the EU and a euro type of system,, our dollars are already tied to tightly to the euro for the comfort zone of a lot of folks.


    which in conversations with real people in real places seems to be more of a problem than what a Government survey on estimated tax dollar savings can overcome. especially since everyone knows that we will never see a red cent of savings on our taxes.


    I agree that the rotating pres dollar will be even worse,, along with the above, the country is way to politically divided for such a coin .



  5. AWACS


    Really the only real Facts that can be brought is the failure of the SB and the Sac dollar .


    I do not see Government estimates as evidence!!!


    its really clear that most folks dont really like the Idea, maybe the Government ought to listen to the people and quit trying to shove it down our throats.



  6. well gee AWACS I had no Idea I was so screwed up,, What was I thinking?


    I should have realised that freedom is in no way tied into the monitary system .


    And that the removal of anything to do with Independence and freedom from our Money is not actually a bad thing, after all it makes us more acceptable to the rest of the world if we look a little less proud .


    Oh by the way, Im very impressed by your resume !!!


    Thanks for your time, sorry that it was wasted on someone who will not change their mind !!



  7. Well I "lived" Las Vegas for 5 weeks, was just in Phoenix for two, Tucson for a few days, and Albuquerque all the time and never had a problem getting Dollar coins into vending machines. This is an aside from the fact the fed and transport machines already use them and give them back (granted mass transit is a lost art in much of the Southwest but the use is mandated anyway).  You seem to have a problem with the design of the coin, or do you fear the perceived cost of a changeover?


    The dollar while widely accepted is not quite good "anywhere" in the world, but it is close-- the higher denom bills is normally what you see. In fact most $100s circulate outside the US. 


    Again, I'll always take the savings in fed money (as I noted above) and within two years American's will not remember the swtichover ala the currency change of the 90s.  It just takes momentum to make it happen.


    As for the One Cent coin, that will eventually go the way of the DoDo as inflation continues, but it will be a while.  As I said a few replies back, it will take businesses to force this change and the first thing they must do is price items with Tax already included (again like most movie theatres).


    Ciao, and Hook 'em Horns,

    Capt-AWACS, I was told there would be no math




    You know IM not a kid ,Ive lived a little life and Ive seen the settle changes in everything from Child rearing to Monitary changes, I was around when Silver was taken from our coins, and I have watched as the FED which you seem to be so fond of, caused Inflation to spin out of control in the early 80's , My business at the time barely survived .


    and now , I watch as the EU developed, and put in place a type of currency designed with no reflection upon History and Individuality of nations, in My own Mind, I do not believe that this is a good thing, We fought in History for our freedom from a Government that controlled even the very basic of Human rights,


    I see this change in our currency to be an attack upon the very existence of the US as a stand alone nation,One that will over time erode all that we hold with pride in our hearts what we have achieved ,,, I do not wish to follow the example of europe, canada, or any other country .


    You ask how can all that be in a dollar bill ? all this amounts to IMHO is just another small erosion of Independence and a step toward a world government .


    The Dollar Bill is just the Beginning all paper currency will follow ,, You said it your statement :(Again, I'll always take the savings in fed money (as I noted above) and within two years American's will not remember the swtichover ala the currency change of the 90s. It just takes momentum to make it happen.)


    That to me is something to protect ourselves from !!!!



  8. There are 50-60 vending machines in the factory where I work and all that I have tried DO take dollar coins. I carry a few with me to work every day. It is so much easier to pop in a coin than trying to feed a crumpled or sweaty bill into the slot.


    well aint that somethin, I guess we all here in the desert southwest, needs to catch up to all you city slickers, I have not found one place to use the dollar coin in a machine around these parts !!


    so I guess lets do away with the cent coin,and the paper dollar,, make up some ugly a$$ dollar coins with the First Ladies of the night on them, and then we can join the EU, and take on a world currency thats good anywhere in the world LOL sheeesh.


    By the way ,the vending machines where I work do take Quarters ,nickels and dimes !!


    The waitresses at the truck stops take dollar coins !!



  9. I know that!!!!!   But why?  Is it just taken for granted that all Franklin Proofs are FBL?  Or is it taken for granted that all Franklin Proofs are NOT  FBL??



    Proof franklins will all be considered to be fully struck IE FBLines,whether they are or not because not all are !! it is in the way that they are produced ,specially prepared dies, more strike pressure, and many times multiple strikes,, differing from Business strike coins in that business strike coins are produced on less( if I can use that term ) perfect dies, usually only being struck once,with less pressure it is the first few thousand or perhaps hundreds of coins on any die pair that has the best chance of being FBL strikes.


    Hope this helps



  10. Awacs


    Glad that you think so !! But there are two sides to every Coin!! If the dollar bill was discontinued and replaced by coins, one could say that the government would save 20 or 30 million a year, which if that was the only effect maybe true, but anyone who is a forward thinking person would realise that the use of higher denomination bills would increase as a result,, now at first glance this may seem irrelevant But as these bills gain use , their expected life in circulation drops, thus the production of more new bills in the upper denoms, would in no time offset the gains by discontinuing the one dollar bill, and this is just the beginning of the extras in cost,, and not just to Government, the cost to the Business world would be tremendous, as all of the machines would need to be updated,, I have yet to find a machine that will make change or even accept a sac dollar!! I think a further forward view is in order before any such savings can be estimated and defended.



  11. I like the one dollar bill and I like the one dollar coin , we have both, use what you like, there is no need to to discontinue either, the aurgument that it will save tax dollars ,thats a crock!!! we will never see a decrease of tax dollars.



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