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Bataille de Marengo(?) Jeton 1800

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IMG_2825.jpg Obverse: A rearing horse, right. Legend: FRISCH MIT GEWALT Exergue: 1800

IMG_2823.jpg Rev: Amid the symbols of battle, one of peace. Legend DER FRIED KOMMT BALT Exergue: 1800



According to Vern "This is probably a piece commemorating the Battle of Marengo"


Jeton brass 25mm, a variant to Vern's jeton on napoleonicmedals.com, the obverse is a bit weak & from a worn die but the reverse is just fabulous, in my humble opinion.

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I think you're right. He has another up now. Probably picked up a collection because he has an interesting Bramsen 878 variant that I'm about to post and then put another, though more worn, up as well.

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