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Charge of the Light Brigade Bugle Medal Oct 25th 1854

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The Obverse of the MedalIMG_0589.jpg


The Reverse of the MedalIMG_0590.jpg


Recording of the Charge of the Light Brigade Bugle Just scroll down to the blue 'here' on the link, to listen to the recording.gallery5.jpg The bugle heard (left) blown to sound the charge for the Light Brigade and one used to sound the advance of the Heavy Brigade.

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Thank you SO much for sharing, constanius. I think that was the oldest thing I've ever heard in my life and I can't think of much else older that I'd here.



Discounting bells, dug up flutes, etc.

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Glad you enjoyed it. It is amazing that the bugle that was at the battle of Waterloo 1815, when Napoleon was finally defeated, that sounded for the 17th lancers to begin the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava 1854, and then, that the trumpeteer Landfrey who sounded the bugle at the charge survived to recorded it to a wax cylinder 1890, and finally we can hear it in our own homes on a computer.

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That is cool. I sometimes think sound recording was invented 100 years too late, there's a lot of good stuff we just missed hearing forever.

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