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When you steal Coins from the Mint, watch the Years


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In Waiblingen (BW, DE) a 45 year old mint employee was sentenced to 18 months on probation this week because she had stolen coins worth €10,000 from the Stuttgart mint. Her two accomplices got away with a probation and a fine.



(in German)


(longer story but not free)


The woman primarily worked in the mint canteen but had access to the coin production rooms as well (where she collected the used dishes). This way she could take a few coins out of the secured area - very few each time, but many times ...


From time to time she left the mint during the day, apparently for grocery purchases. It seems that this was her chance to get the coins out of the mint building. Mostly €1 and €2 coins, with a total amount of roughly €10,000 over one year.


Her accomplices then spent or changed part of the money. And that is how the coup got noticed: A bank teller found that many pieces, more than usual, looked new and shiny. Also, the years were not "mixed" but all very recent. Since all the suspicious pieces had the Stuttgart (F) mint mark, the police informed the mint which then found out that at least some of the coins could not have legally made it into circulation yet.


These thefts were more than a year ago, and the Stuttgart Mint now has additional surveillance cameras installed, and controls the output more thoroughly. Guess that the very moderate court decision can be interpreted as a criticism of the security checks that the mint used before ...



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