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Posts posted by Trantor_3

  1. I'd favor a coin for $1 and $2.



    Like mentioned before, USA is one of the very few countries that still use $1 and $2 notes.


    Notes are far moe expensive in use: they wear out a lot faster so they need to be replaced a lot more often than coins.


    In the Netherlands, before the euro was introduced, we used to have a 5 gulden note, but it was demonitized and replaced by a coin. At first, many people thought that would be awkward, but in practice it was much more convenient than the note.



    About ditching the cent: someone here said that it would only increase a transaction with up to 4 cents if all was rounded up. Well, that's true, but it will increase EVERY transaction with 1 to 4 cents.


    Then the struggle with adding tax....

    Ive never been to the USA, but have been to Canada and there they have hte same crazy system that taxes are added at the register and are not already included in the prices. so you walk through the store, you add up the prices and in the end you suddenly have to pay a significant amount more, because tax was added.

    That system is forbidden in europe. Prices at product in stores and advertisements must list the actual price you have to pay, including taxes. What's the big deal of not mentionin ng the tax as everybody has to pay it anyway?

  2. We've already got some accidental errors on the Guinea notes. Luckily Art hasn't printed any of his yet so we managed to get those corrected prior to printing.


    Unfortunately i had already reeled off some S mint notes and have then found a few problems on the preliminary run of the 20s and 10s. Damn!

    I was going to destroy the ones i'd done and start again, unfortunately one set has already been officially released and is now in the Netherlands. So i figure i'm gonna just let these few problem notes out with the regular correct issues.


    I don't generally like sending substandard stuff out but they cost me enough to print!



    So, sent me a dud eh? :ninja:;)











  3. For about a week, I kept seeing strange things in the main index: the blue light lit and a a some member who posted last in the Coins forum. Then I'd go to the coins forum and see no blue lights, nor a thread that was posted last in by that member.


    It kept me puzzled until a few minutes ago when it happened for the so many'th time. And then I suddenly realized: could it be skin related?


    I changed from retro to IPB default and then I saw what was happening: I had the sub forums part minimized. When you do that in IPB default, and then switch to Retro, the whole sub forum is gone. But, if a member posts in it, I can see the blue light and that members name in the index page....

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