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Posts posted by pjmat2

  1. I don't even recognize the style. I suspect its modern.


    I can't find anything on the next that resembles it. How modern are we talking? It appears authentic in the hand, but as I said, I have no experience. This only serves to pique my interest, if you guys cannot recognise it, maybe it is rare? :ninja:


    Fingers crossed!! I'll let you know if I can uncover further...

  2. Hi guys,


    I am new to this numismatics caper, but I am excited by my first acquisition!! :ninja:


    I bought this coin whilst overseas for $25 in a Syrian souk, it looks in pretty good condition (hoping it is not a fake). The peddler said it dates back 100AD, can anyone shed any light on my purchase?


    Thanks so much in advance.






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