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Posts posted by Jonguler

  1. Being new to note collecting I am surprised just how generous the ratings are.


    A note can be described as being "good" when it has tears and heavy folding. "Good" is in fact next to lowest grade possible. I would call this "tatty"!


    However as these do seem to be the standard, I must adjust my ideas to conform.


    Of course when you buy from ebay and the notes are marked as XF you cannot expect anything better than tape marks, writing and heavy folding :shock:


    Fortunately I was expecting this and only bid accordingly. I am learning

  2. What a cool idea for a collecting area! Can you post a few pics? I'd love to see them.


    I will try and take some pics over the weekend. That is the problem when logging on at work :(


    In the meantime I have some images saved on my google drive: Have a look if you are interested.


    Not all the notes in my collection, but some interesting/nice ones.


    The Zimbabwe notes are pretty common, but I might try and collect all values of all types (Banknotes, Bearer Cheques and Agro Cheques) the image is of a used note - see my comments above


    I am sure the man on the Turkish notes is trying to hypnotize the viewer.


    Why do all the people on high denomination notes look unhappy?

  3. Argentina has used the Peso as the name for their currency for a long time. (Back to the nineteenth Century I think, when they were gold coins).


    They had a period of hyper-inflation in the 1980s and I have a one million Peso note from that period.


    They still currently use the Peso - but it is a reissued currency.


    Unfortunately I can't see where they put a date on their notes, so I couldn't say which version of the peso you have. Looks not dissimilar to my million, so it could be from just before the inflation killed things off.

  4. Morning all
    A quick greeting from Northampton, England.
    Whilst I was recently on holiday in Turkey, a fellow traveler had bought some old million lira notes from the last time he was in Turkey, back in the 70s. They turned out to be of no current value, so he was giving them away as curiosities. And I became a millionaire!
    I also have as a souvenir of an earlier holiday a million mark note that was issued in Hamburg.
    These interested me so I have decided to become a millionaire, in as many currencies as I can. Just a shame it can't be in any current currency :-) I am collecting banknotes from the any country unlucky enough to have gone through hyper-inflation.
    These have been bought on Ebay or from one Ebay trader site. Most of them are unissued notes which seem to be of more interest to most collectors, but I think that the used notes are more characterful, and must have a story to tell. After all this million dollar note has actually been in someone's pocket and used for buying a loaf of bread.
    I have been collecting for only a month so far and have banknotes from:
    Argentina (Pesos)
    Bosnia (Denara)
    Georgia (Kuponi)
    Germany (Mark)
    Greece (Lira)
    Hungary (Pengo)
    Nicuragua (Cordoba)
    Romania (Lei)
    Turkey (Lira)
    Yogoslavia (Dinara)
    Zimbabwe (Dollars)
    I have now a total of 34 notes with a total value of nearly 34 Billion whatevers.
    They cost only a few pounds (I am in the UK) a time, and I have gone a bit mad this month. Perhaps I will be more careful in the future.


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