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  1. ok thank you very much. maybe another time, but that is also good to know!
  2. do I get credit and have my name? next to a new discovery on a claim I want to post without it being certified, as I cant afford to do so. that's if it dose pass requirements as a discovery. its pretty big we all have then in our pockets now, that's if you have change. I just discovered it today Raul Ramos II 10/15/2015. I will post it here if I do get credit for claim. thank you!!
  3. isn't anyone interested in the baseball game, or the Superman logo located on the observe side below the word GOD
  4. what you are about to read is not true but it is only what I think so you may not understand it. but do please read. actually I want a chance to chat with the mint owner of company(mint) there is of some important matter I would like to mention to them and ask a few questions because I do not want to interfere with there process if I am already doing so. if I am right about what I am claiming. I say no one knows because no one is suppose to know. if everything stay the same. I see something's are not correct and very complicated to teach or to learn. there is a lot of questions that seem to have no answer to and some you don't understand. for example the reverse side of a 1973 cent I think its still a mystery till this day but with my method it can explain it just need to find out which design or designs best fits.......also machine doubling or any doubling except for the ones like the 69's and 55' that the dies are created like that on purpose(to me that's what makes scene). can anyone explain how they are created. oh yeah what I was saying about the doubles it is caused by one single strike and it can also be more than doubled as far as I can see. I actually see a pileup of the word liberty which have no space between each letter meaning between each letter dose not reach the surface of the die. I think its caused by the profile and pressure given to the strike and its not just the word liberty. also thinking it is why there is a low quantity of doubles especially on the smaller coins, maybe that's why the 55 and 69 types were created?????
  5. ok bring these structural engineers I would like to have a chat with one or all, where can I find such person? and thank you for that comment what I was looking for as an answer was the vibrations from the force by the strike that is given to a blank planchet then from the strike of other side which has to be reverse and observe that is applied the same pressure and timing so it makes = to make both sides the same, but the vibrations have some destination to go towards and since its = to the only way it will go is in the same direction it came from causing over time or use the vibrations cause it to break or crack. p.s. I am not familiar with any type of physics or spelling correct. lol
  6. what caused a die to crack or break. if answer is from use and worn, if it is worn then i say the die shows it dose have some kind of effect on die when being in use that also shows. i bet if you get a worn die and you were to apply acid on the oppisite end you will see the dies imprints. maybe a broken die would be better or cutting it down the middle.
  7. use a mirror next to your coin so we can see both side of coin in a photo
  8. i am trying to prove that there are markings of other things struck on our coins and what i thought i see maybe something of baseball or wizard of oz. i also see the words E PLURIBUS UNUM in the thin red box starting at the mint mark
  9. thank you for all members replies and information. Mumbo jumbo is what we use to make a problem then solve it. CREATE + SOLVE = RESULTS, so its not really my metaphysical whatever you call it as I did not create it or make it up. It dose exists, it has to or we would all be standing in one spot staring at one another. And also when I add of what I am speaking of to the equation, it gives a better understanding and different results than what you believe to be the answer. even giving an answer to those you do not understand, argue about and cant answer questions that are ask about a coin. p.s. the mint or company is trying to cover it up to give a higher quality product, you think they are going to tell you....hahaha there is no way of that happening. I know for a fact that they work very hard on each of these designs cause it cant be anything else but what is on the coins, so they have to search for a design with in these guidelines. There is nothing wrong what they are doing its just you don't want to have a $100 image on a quarter or markings of foreign coins on U.S. coins.
  10. you guys that created this equation did not complete it as you are missing this part that i speak of. there are far more clear and straight foward answers to questions and markings to those about coins being struck with a press.
  11. here is simple way of thinking about the flow of the vibrations, get a ball and throw it towards a wall and see what happens. the dies are steel but with the speeds and power the press gives, and add all the years of use. i have to ask the question do they re-use and re-design worn dies? because if they did there will be imprints of that design on the re-used die.
  12. ok i see that is going to be the answer, so i wont get nowhere. ok answer me this why are the designs of each layout are to cover up others. i say this because the lines all line up from eachother, for example i could find the same shapes that are on a my ike dollar of a well any design... p.s. what do you think causes the die to break or crack? what is the term or terms that are causing such things?
  13. speed+distance(pressure)=? of waves/vibrations+hardness(metal)= the reach of those vibrations
  14. when a die is weak and about to break that is its weakest point allowing for the waves or vibrations travel through the die on to the press also thats why a die becomes cracked or broken, caused by those waves. they do not fix this problem because from the first strike it will leave some kind of impression on the press and would be impossible to get a perfect coin but thats what the layouts of each design are for to cover them up by following the lines. to get so many designs that have been made already you rotate the coin to find that perfect image you want(i am sure there are guidelines on to creating a design for your coins, medals and ect. there is someone that knows about it because of that.
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