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Diakov numbers!


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I'm looking for some information on these medals. I'm interested in Diakov reference numbers as well as rarity rating.

The first medal - Church of St Isaac at St Petersburg , Bronze Medal, 1858, by J Wiener, exterior view of the cathedral, rev the interior, 59mm (or so the Baldwin description stated)



The second - Memorial medal dedicated to Princess Anna Ivanovna Trubetskaya, struck on her death in 1755. Engraved by Roettiers.


From MIM site:

"Медаль «В честь Гессен-Гомбургской принцессы Анастасии Ивановны, рождённой Княжны Трубецкой», 1755 года. Гравёр Ротьерс. Бронза, 45,67 гр. Диаметр, 47 мм. Сохранность отличная. Иверсен# СXXVII. СРМ# 8. Редкая. Принцесса Анастасия Ивановна Гессен-Гомбургская третья дочь Князя Ивана Юрьевича Трубецкого и статс-дамы Княгини Ирины Григорьевны рождённой Нарышкиной родилась в 1700 году. В 1717 году вступила в супружество с государем молдавским Дмитрием Антиохивичем Кантемиром. По его смерти в феврале 1738 года вышла замуж за ландграфа Гессен-Гомбургского Людвига Вильгельма бывшего на российской службе генерал-фельцехмейстером, а потом генерал-фельдмаршалом. В 1741 году была пожалована статс-дамой Двора Императрицы Елизаветы. Умерла в 1755 году, похоронена в Александро-Невской Лавре."

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I'm looking for some information on these medals. I'm interested in Diakov reference numbers as well as rarity rating.


Trubetskaya - D#90.1 Ar R3, Ae R2 - diameter 45, yours won on ebay is 47 mm ?? Engraver Roettiers filius (Rottier's- son ??) :ninja:

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I'm looking for some information on these medals. I'm interested in Diakov reference numbers as well as rarity rating.

The first medal - Church of St Isaac at St Petersburg , Bronze Medal, 1858, by J Wiener, exterior view of the cathedral, rev the interior, 59mm (or so the Baldwin description stated)

This one is from series I just saw somewhere in auction catalog a dozen of them all different Cathedrals among them was yours as russian by same engraver (?) cannot recall at this time can be Baldwins or so anyway D#677.4 listed under name "Cathedral of St.Isaac Dalmatian in St. Petersburg" Ae R1, Ar, R3, Au R 5, diameter 60 mm - alll Cathedrals as a series I saw together somewhere call my sadness and enjection looking at them all IMXO :ninja:

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Many thanks One-Kuna! :ninja:


The cathedral medal is amazing. Especially the reverse. It is layered deeply into the surface giving it an almost 3d perspective! I wonder if others were done in the same style?

you are welcome ;)

yes all same style as I looked it ;)

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