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Minor doubling


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Anybody into the very minor doubling that they show in many Coin World articles? Just recently they had a 2007 cent with an image blown up 20 X, a arrow pointing to where the doubling was , and I still didn't see it.

I guess that it is doubling, but if I cant see it with the naked eye, I'm not interested.

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It is certainly becoming extreme. Things like the 55 ddo are clear to the naked eye, even in the so called "poor man's" version. I have to agree that I've seen many pics of doubling and cannot tell even in the enlargements. Ditto for some of the repunched dates.

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I have some that you cant see with the naked eye. But under 5x its clear as day. The 1955 is so spread out that it easy to see.

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Some of the VAM Morgans have what they call "Slight Doubling" which means hold the coin wrong and you don't see it or if the light is the wrong angle you don't see it. :ninja: With my eye sight I have to use at least a 30x or 50x to spot it. ;)

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I too am getting fed up with this super magnification requirement to see what someone is talking about. At coin shows there are massive amounts of error coins being sold where you would need an electron microscope to see the error. I've had dealers say things like "See if you hold it at the right angle, use a 1,000,000 power magnifier, have perfect lighting, the weather is perfect, you can see the doubling" :ninja: That may be a slight exageration, but it is getting out of control.

I used to have Mercury Dime Albums that were full. Then the newer ones come out with a 42/41. OK so now I have to get those. Yes I can see the 1 under the 2. Then some nut finds that the same thing is true for the 42D/41. So Whitman adds that to the album. At coin shows I've had many, many dealers show me that coin. I could not see a 42/41. I used a 14X magnifier I carry and still couldn't see anything. The dealers say you just have to get a bigger magnifier or microscope. No I think I'll just put a nomal coin in that spot and tell people the same thing dealers tell me.

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