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Everything posted by Bangbang

  1. My wife got a summons for jury duty. Hope she gets one of those extremely long trials that keeps her away for several months or a year. Then I can have some real fun.
  2. Bang takes out quarter and pounds on it with hammer on concrete step .....the concrete cracked but not the coin. My dad was pretty mad and a quarter in those days was a weeks allowance. Bang takes a quarter and sticks it half way into vice on bench bolted to floor...... took a sharp wack at it with a hammer and woweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It broke in half. I did this when I was a kid. Bang takes a dollar bill and wraps it around a minie ball ....stuffs it in a 50 calliber blackpowder rifle. Found pieces of it all over firing range.
  3. I got my new medicare guide. Looks like I may save a few bucks for purchasing coins.
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