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V and George were welcomed to the Fredonia Coin Club July '05 meeting in Nacogdoches, Texas, where they visited all the attendees.


[Aside: The coin club is named after a very short-lived attempt in Nacogdoches at throwing off Mexican dominion in the 1820's. Further, the name Fredonia is found in the Marx Brothers' movie, 'Duck Soup', as the name of one of the small countries. I believe they used that name as a tribute to Nacogdoches for it was in Nacogdoches that they became a comedy act rather than a musical act.]


Then V and George rode in my briefcase for a hectic month in Court. I didn't forget them, I was looking for a new 'home' for them, but to no avail. The clear holder is too small for V, it split its side. I tried a new holder; however, it, too, split its side. So I attempted to place the old home over the new home in order to patch their house. Alas, it is not a good solution.


Someone [Rodney, maybe?] please put labmom's indicia on V. V and George did visit her and the puppies. I can swear to the fact that V & George came to me from labmom...


I hope they enjoyed their visit to East Texas. I enjoyed them in my home...

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